Foster Care to Success
Red Scarf Project
The Foster Care to Success organization supports foster care children who have ‘aged out’ of the system. The organization coordinates the collection of red scarfs to be given to this often-overlooked population. ​ The Red Scarf Project collects scarves from September 1st – December 15th every year, and then distributes them to a foster student on Valentine’s Day.​
If you'd like to crochet or knit red scarfs in support of this cause, below are the red scarf instructions:​
Size: Approximately 60” long and 5” to 8” wide. Scarves should be long enough to be wrapped around the neck, with tails long enough to be tied in the front.
Style: Think unisex collegiate. Fringes are optional. Your scarf should drape, tie easily and be soft.
Color: Red! However, this could mean burgundy, cherry, russet, red stripes with other colors, or multicolor hues including red.
Finished & tagged: Yarn ends should be securely sewn in. For a personal touch, attach a tag saying “Handmade for You” with your first name, city, and group affiliation, if any. Donors have also included washing instructions, messages of encouragement, gift cards, and more.​
You can send a message using the "Contact Us" form to schedule a date/time to deliver finished red scarfs to the Covina Woman's Club or mail them directly to the organization, click on this link for instructions.