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Covina Woman's Club
New Member Application
How would you like to be contacted?
Please check all topics/activities which are of interest to you


Any person may become a member of the CWC upon submission of this application for approval by the Board of Directors. Members are expected to pay annual dues and support fundraising activities. A total of $60 will be due for new members: $50 membership fee plus a one-time $10 name badge fee. 


Member dues can be paid by cash, check, or Zelle.


General Member Meetings are held monthly, on the 2nd Monday

of each month, September thru May, 11 am to 2 pm. Member meetings are not held during summer months of June, July or August. A small entrance fee of $2.50 is payable to attend the monthly General Meeting. If you'd like to enjoy an optional lunch, members can pay $15 for general admission. 

Thank you!

You will contact you within 48 hours.

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